
RFP – Northeast WI Intermodal Freight Facility Study

Project Summary

ECWRPC is issuing this “Request for Proposals” (RFP) to: Northeast Intermodal Freight Facility Study – Phase 2. Between the fall of 2020 and May of 2022, the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission worked with the Brown County Planning  Commission/Green Bay MPO, Port of Green Bay, New North, Inc., private consulting firms, and a steering committee to develop an intermodal freight facility study for the northeast portion of the state. This study found that there is significant demand for intermodal freight shipping in Northeast Wisconsin and that a locally-based intermodal service may be fast and cost-effective enough to be an attractive option for shippers. However, the study also found that there are currently a variety of operational challenges associated with establishing intermodal service and that a strong business case needs to be built to justify establishing this type of service in Northeast Wisconsin.

The Consultant selected to complete this project will coordinate, work with, and work under the direction of ECWRPC staff for the completion of work described within this RFP. The deadline for completion of this project will be March 31 , 2025.

Proposal Submission

ECWRPC must receive all proposals no later than Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 4pm CST. Late proposals will not be considered. An email confirmation will be sent upon receipt of proposal.

Applicants must submit an electronic PDF version of the proposal. Proposals must be emailed to: Melissa Kraemer Badtke; Subject Line: Northeast Intermodal Freight Facility Phase 2 Study; Email: [email protected].

RFP – FRIIP Phase 2 Instructions

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