Serving Calumet, Fond du Lac, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, and Winnebago counties.
Prepared annually, the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the Fond du Lac Urbanized Area includes all anticipated federal and state aids for highway, transit, and other transportation projects in the urbanized area, as a prerequisite for funding approval. The TIP process again uses the prioritization procedures for Surface Transportation Program (STP)-Urban projects submitted by the local municipalities. This process allows for full consideration of non-highway transportation projects, and rewards highway projects for including accommodations for alternative transportation modes. Projects considered for STP-Urban funding must be included in the community’s capital improvement program.
It has been developed by the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission as the staff for the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for these areas in cooperation and coordination with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), which is responsible for preparing a State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) programming federally-assisted transportation projects statewide. The federal funding assistance to be programmed is provided by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) administered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
In preparing this report, East Central has worked with WisDOT Northeast Region, transit operators, and local governmental jurisdictions to compile a list of projects from their capital improvement programs and budgets for the current four-year period. These lists of programmed candidate projects were then reviewed, prioritized, and recommended by Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) for the urbanized area. TAC recommendations were in turn reviewed by the standing Policy Board of the MPO and final action was taken to recommend these projects to the Governor for inclusion in the STIP.
You may use the form below to submit a project for the next year’s Transportation Improvement Program.