
Transportation Planning

Transportation planning is a cooperative, continuing and comprehensive process designed to foster involvement by all users (such as the business community, community groups, environmental organizations, freight operators, and the general public) to achieve a balance multimodal system that meets the needs of all users. Transportation, not only provides for mobility of people and goods, but plays fundamental role in the state, region or community’s economy and quality of life. Transportation planners develop strategies for operating, managing, maintaining, and financing the area’s transportation system in such a way as to advance the area’s long-term vision and goals.

Transportation planning includes a number of components:

  • Developing long-range and short-range transportation plans;
  • Regional highway corridor planning;
  • Public transit and specialized transportation;
  • Congestion Management Process;
  • Bicycle and pedestrian planning;
  • Freight planning;
  • Regional Safe Routes to School; and
  • Travel Demand modeling (forecasting future population and employment growth)
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