Serving Calumet, Fond du Lac, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, and Winnebago counties.
Transportation Committee
The Transportation Committee is comprised of 5 to 6 Commission members. The committee directs and monitors the transportation program element and maintains liaison with the Transportation Policy Advisory Committees and the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. The Transportation makes recommendations to the full Commission.
Transportation Policy Committee
The Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) facilitates regional participation and consensus building on transportation-related issues through a continuing, comprehensive, and coordinated planning process. The TPC is composed of elected officials and board members of local governments and transportation agencies within the East Central Wisconsin Region; plus representatives from Federal Highway Administration and Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The TPC serves as an advisory body to the Transportation Committee and the Commission on transportation related issues.
Technical Advisory Committee
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) facilitates regional participation and consensus building on transportation-related issues through a continuing, comprehensive, and coordinated planning process. The TAC is composed of planners, engineers, and operators of local governments and transportation agencies within the East Central Wisconsin Region; plus representatives from Federal Highway Administration and Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The TAC serves as an advisory body to the TPC.