
2045 Regional Comprehensive Plan

“Our Home Our Region” Theme of 2045 Regional Comprehensive Plan Update
“Guiding the Region for the next 25 years!”

We want to hear from you!  What makes our region special? Your answers will assist the Commission in updating its Regional Comprehensive Plan. Please take a few minutes to complete the 2045 Comprehensive Plan survey –

Regional Vision: East Central effectively and efficiently develops, administers, and implements valued planning programs at the regional and local level, enhancing our communities’ quality of life.

This spring, the Commission has started the formal process to update its 2008 Regional Comprehensive Plan. Comprehensive plans are developed for a 20-year planning horizon and must be updated no less than once every 10 years. Within the statutory provisions of Wisconsin State Statutes (SS) 66.0309, East Central’s main function and duty is that “of making (preparing) and adopting a master (Comprehensive) plan for the physical development of the region.” This basic enabling legislation is complemented by the Wisconsin comprehensive planning law, SS 66.1001. The updated plan will be entitled “Our Home Our Region: Guiding the Region for the Next 25 years!” and covers our ten-county region in East Central Wisconsin. The document will serve as an advisory policy document to guide where future conservation, growth, and development activities should occur at a regional scale. When completed, the plan will outline a series of “best practices” that our counties and communities should consider in order to achieve better alignment and collaboration when dealing with issues of mutual (regional) concern.

At the April 30, 2021 Quarterly Commission meeting, action was taken to kick off the planning process by approving an updated Public Participation Plan which outlines the planning process and public engagement efforts. The Commission firmly believes that equitable public participation is key to any successful planning process and that input should be sought at all stages during this process. The Commission’s planning and programming efforts benefit from a well-informed regional population.

A number of structures, processes, and techniques are listed in this document that will be used to raise awareness of and engage the public in the development of the “Our Home Our Region” report. The ECWRPC 2021-2023 Strategic Plan will also be used as a guide throughout the planning process.

During the first half of 2021, staff will be focused on updating demographic and GIS mapping information in order to accomplish the “inventory” tasks for the various plan elements. Initial input will be sought to help identify regional issues of concern and how those might fit within the plan’s newly developed framework of “themes”. Online surveys, meetings with County representatives, Technical Advisory Committees, and Focus Groups for each “theme” are just some of the planned activities in the coming months.

If you have comments, questions or would like to be involved on a particular Focus Group for this effort, please fill out the form below or call ECWRPC at 920-751-4770.

ECWRPC website