Serving Calumet, Fond du Lac, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, and Winnebago counties.
East Central’s primary role in highway corridor studies is to provide a multi-jurisdictional forum for stakeholders and promote coordination and cooperation between state and federal agencies, local units of government and the public. This includes public involvement and informational meeting activities and the creation of local advisory committees. The goal is to ensure that everyone that may be impacted by, or is interested in, the project is notified so that the opportunity to provide input and comment on the plan(s) is available.
CTH CA/STH 125/College Avenue Project
Scope of the Project: The CTH CA/STH 125/College Avenue Corridor Study is to look at all transportation options (i.e. vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian and transit) from Appleton International Airport to State Highway 47. This is a collaboration project with Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Outagamie County, Towns of Greenville and Grand Chute, the City of Appleton, Fox Cities Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce.