Serving Calumet, Fond du Lac, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, and Winnebago counties.
Each fall, the Commission seeks Technical Assistance project requests from member units of government (counties, towns, villages, and cities). Larger projects (more than $5,000) are typically dealt with through a contractual arrangement with the community for projects such as zoning ordinance re-writes, comprehensive plan updates, or other more intense planning projects. Small-scale planning and GIS mapping projects are solicited and pre-selected during the prior year (i.e. late fall of 2013 for 2014 projects) under the following program areas:
If you did not request a project, please be aware that Commission staff can possibly provide your community with additional limited assistance throughout the year on an ‘as needed’ basis. Also, our staff is always available for quick phone calls or email questions from member communities regarding planning related issues, guidance, and directing you to the resources you need.