
Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning

East Central works with WisDOT, local governments and bicycle/pedestrian advocacy groups to develop and coordinate multi-modal trail systems and activities. Local trail segments are critical to providing linkages required for a regional system that serves the alternative transportation needs of the region’s communities and urbanized areas.

Fox Cities and Oshkosh Urbanized Areas Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

In 2012, the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission finalized its contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to begin work on a bicycle and pedestrian plan for the Fox Cities and Oshkosh Urbanized Areas. The project is funded through a bicycle and pedestrian facilities planning (BPFP) grant awarded in 2011. The plan focus is to address regional connectivity of bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout and between the Fox Cities and Oshkosh Urbanized Areas. This plan will not only identify existing and planned facilities, but identify gaps, barriers, and needed connections to enhance a safe, accessible, and efficient regional bicycle and pedestrian network throughout and between the two urbanized areas. Connectivity with Valley Transit and Oshkosh Transit System buses, which include bicycle racks, will also be addressed. On July 19th, East Central hosted a plan kickoff summit in which roughly 60 local officials, municipal staff, and other key bicycle and pedestrian stakeholders throughout the study area attended. The intent of the summit was to review the anticipated planning process and to examine and ensure accuracy of East Central’s inventory of existing and planned bicycle/pedestrian facilities throughout the study area. A steering committee comprised of many of these stakeholders will begin meeting early this fall to assist in guiding the planning process. East Central also intends to hold a series of public information meetings/workshops this fall to begin identifying gaps, barriers, and needed connections. Other upcoming planning components will include: analyzing bicycle and pedestrian crashes throughout the study area, work with communities to identify areas where bicycle/pedestrian counts should be taken, and implementation of a bicycle/pedestrian survey to collect origin and destination data and other useful user data.

2014 Fox Cities & Oshkosh MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Documents:

Kickoff Summit Presentations:

Important Documents:

Steering Committee Meetings:




ECWRPC website