Transportation Planning Process
- How have MAP-21 provisions impacted the MPO planning process?
MAP – 21 has more provisions for performance based planning and that has been integrated into the MPO planning processes. With MAP – 21, the Appleton MPO received an allocation of funds for the Transportation Alternatives Program. For 5310, the MPO and Valley Transit administer and coordinate the 5310 program. Staff has also incorporated performance measures into our planning processes. Staff recently attended a peer to peer exchange regarding systemic safety and is discussing with WisDOT how to incorporate systemic safety into some of the planning processes.
- Where are the operating procedures for the Commission and various MPO-related committees documented? How often are the operating procedures reviewed and updated?
The operating procedures for the Commission are located in the ECWRPC by-laws and in the UPWP and are reviewed annually and updated on an as needed basis.
Please be prepared to discuss the following at the site review meeting. A written response is not required.
- How do the MPO, the State, and transit operators cooperatively participate in:
1.1 MPO decision-making and planning process;
- Member of Transportation Committee and Full Commission
1.2 Transit plans and funding decisions;
- Through the TIP process
- MPO assists in TDP development
- LRTP development
1.3 WisDOT planning studies and project development?
- East Central provides bicycle/pedestrian counts for WisDOT projects
- East Central works closely with WisDOT to coordinate on the 5310 program
- WisDOT has representation on MPO committee
1.4 Local agency planning studies and project development?
- East Central works with local municipalities on a number corridor studies
- How do WisDOT and the transit operator contribute in development & implementation of the MPO work program, Plan and TIP?
- Meet and greet with Valley Transit staff
- Valley Transit staff submits project for TIP
- What role did WisDOT play in development of the new Metropolitan Transportation Plan?
- How does the MPO account for WisDOT’s regional ITS architecture in development of the transportation plan and TIP?
- ITS projects are incorporated into the TIP base on the NE Region ITS Architecture Plan.
- How does the MPO account for WisDOT’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan in development of the transportation plan and TIP?
- Safety is a reoccurring theme throughout the transportation plan, staff met with WisDOT and FHWA in AZ regarding systemic safety; safety ranking criteria within the TIP
- Article II, B.5 in the cooperative agreement states that the state is responsible for “developing strategies and guidance for the plan and work program scoping to reflect federal and state planning requirements and goals”. How does it work in practice? How are the regions goals then reflected in the process?