UPWP & MPO Funding
- Who (what agencies) are involved in the UPWP development?
- ECWRPC, WisDOT, FHWA, FTA, Valley Transit
- Does the UPWP include a public comment period? Is the UPWP available for public review? Upon request? Posted on the website?
- Posted on website and is available by request.
- How does the UPWP provide a strategic view of and a strategic direction for metropolitan area planning activities?
- The annual work program is a one year statement which itemizes work to be performed. For each program element (e.g. transportation work element), work objectives, work activities and methodology are listed, selected previous work is identified, and products resulting from the proposed work and their anticipated impacts are identified. The funding for East Central or another agency’s work is identified by source and includes person-days and hours for professional and technical staff time. If subcategories are included under a program element or a major work element, a summary of the funding source, person-days and hours are given in table form. Each year, the previous work program and budget is evaluated and a new annual work program is drafted.
- How do the activities in the UPWP relate to the goals and priorities identified in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan? Is developed based on MAP-21 planning factors, MTP recommendations and strategies.
- The UPWP contains work elements that represent the goals and priorities in the MTP which also includes the MAP-21 planning factors.
- Where are the UPWP development process, amendment thresholds, and public involvement strategy documented?
- Work program is developed based on a guidance document and check list created in cooperation with WisDOT, FHWA, FTA and state MPOs. Work program development and activities are reviewed by TC and policy board.
Source: UPWP 2015
Please be prepared to discuss the following at the site review meeting. A written response is not required.
- How are the State and public transit agencies involved in UPWP development? What about the role of freight, non-motorized transportation, bicycles, pedestrians, and other modal interests?
- How are UPWP activities developed, selected, prioritized?
- Based on needs of local municipalities along with priorities within the federal transportation bill; also try to align with WisDOT and FHWA priorities and it is a collaboration effort
- Who reviews the draft and Final Reports? How are comments elicited and addressed?
- FHWA, WisDOT and ECWRPC staff and Commission Board
- How are staff hours assigned between MPO and non-MPO RPC functions?
- Based on the staff specialty and projects as they relate to MPO and non-MPO functions.