Safety & Security
- Please list any documents other than the MTP that address safety & security.
- Bicycle and pedestrian plan
- Congestion management plan
- Local SRTS action plans
- Parks and Recreation/ADA
- Transit Development Plan
- Describe the collaborative process for developing safety & security goals, objectives, performance measures, and strategies for the MPA.
2.1 Who are the safety partners that are involved?
- Local law enforcement, health professionals, parks and recreation staff, and public works/highway commissioners, Valley Transit
2.2 Is the collaboration institutionalized or ad hoc?
- Depends on the program, if it is SRTS local SRTS coalitions will be ad hoc.
- How does the TMA safety process relate to the SHSP process?
- Work closely with WisDOT – NE Region and have initiated a Highway Safety Improvement Program so that we monitor crash areas and identify high crash areas and prescreenHSIP projects(looking at ADT and the incidents related to high ADT or is it related to geometric or signalization issues) based on the strategies outlined in the highway safety plan. If warranted sites or areas identified are provided to WisDOT HSIP staff for review, comment and potential action.
Source: Appleton LRTP, Chapter 6 – Street and Highway, Pages 6-27
- How are safety & security addressed as explicit goals in the planning process and the MPO’s MTP?
- LRTP has a dedicated chapter to Security where we address adding infrastructure items (Intelligent Transportation Systems or ITS) such as ramp exit number signage, closed circuit TV cameras, ramp closure gates, Type III barricades, dynamic message signs, etc.
- What safety related goals and objectives have been identified?
- (from Objectives and Goals Chapter of Appleton LRTP: Goal 4: Safety
A. The level of access control should be appropriate to the function of the highway.
B. Vehicle conflicts should be reduced through roadway and intersection design appropriate for the desired level of service.
C. Accident-producing facility deficiencies should be accorded a high priority for correction.
D. Design standards should be adequate for the legal speeds, sizes, and weights of vehicles. Appropriate marking, signing, and protection devices should be installed where justified by design, speed and accident exposure rates.
E. Safe speed limits and laws dealing with drunk driving should be strictly enforced and new strategies for dealing with these problems should be explored.
F. The strictest possible safety regulations should be employed near transportation-related construction sites.
G. Driver education programs should be designed not only to train new drivers but also to improve the techniques of present drivers.
H. Educational programs should be expanded to include pedestrian, motorcycle and bicycle safety and the safe use of public transportation.
I. Railway and highway grade crossings should be eliminated in high traffic areas and properly signalized in other areas.
J. Harbors and other navigable waters should be clearly marked and lighted where appropriate.
K. To ensure safe movement of hazardous material, infrastructure improvements should conform to guidelines set by local emergency services and state and federal regulations.
- Have safety goals and objectives been developed to cover all modes of transportation (transit, bicyclists, pedestrian, freight)?
Please be prepared to discuss the following at the site review meeting. A written response is not required.
- What safety data does the MPO collect or obtain from other sources? (i.e., fatalities, serious injuries, crash rates, crash hot spots, collision inventories, pedestrian injuries, behavior statistics, driver’s age, location, GIS, and roadway inventory data etc.)?
- Crash data
- Hot spots
- Bicycle crashes
- Pedestrian crashes
- How are safety performance measures incorporated in the planning process? What metrics are used?
- (Crash data, fatalities, serious injuries, fatality rate per 100 million VMT, serious injuries rate per 100 million VMT)
- How are security roles and responsibilities defined in the MTP, the TIP, the UPWP, or the Congestion Management Process? Is security considered in corridor or other project studies?
- For the LRTP, intelligent transportation systems infrastructure recommendations promote security
- What types of natural emergencies does the region account for? (e.g. tornados, floods, etc.)
- Tornados, floods
- The MPO works with WisDOT and the counties to identify potential evacuation routes as part of their ITS and 911 system. We are prepared to assist with mapping and GIS to aid in the recovery efforts.
- Staff also worked with Outagamie County on the Community Development Block Grant/Emergency Assistance Program (CDBG/EAP) after a tornado had moved through the county.
- Does the MPO have its own Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)? If so, what are the principal components of the plan?
- The Commission is under the authority of member counties that established and direct Commission activities including MPO responsibilities. Leadership and contingency plans would continue to be in place through other staffing arrangements.