Metropolitan Transportation Plan Development
- What committees are involved in the development of the MTP? How have the State DOT and metropolitan transit operators participated in Plan development?
Committees involved in the development of the MTP include:
- Appleton MPO TAC
- Appleton MPO TPAC
- Appleton MPO Transportation Committee
- Appleton MPO Full Commission
- Environmental mitigation consultation efforts
- Valley Transit
- WisDOT Northeast Region Office
- Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)
- What opportunities are provided for public participation in plan development?
ECWRPC Staff Outreach Efforts
Throughout the planning process staff completed the following to further gather public input (for survey distribution and promotion of public information meeting/open house:
- Setting up survey link on ECWRPC website:
- Creating survey business cards with web link and a smartphone QR code for more convenient access
- Emailing TMA Transportation and TAC committee members to garner participation in survey
- Emailing and/or mailing all municipal clerks within the TMA to promote the survey in paper and digital formats
- Attending Winnebagoland Housing Coalition meetings on 4/2/14, 5/7/14, 9/3/14 and 2/4/15
- Attending Hispanic Interagency meetings on 4/3/14, 5/1/14, 9/4/14, 2/4/15 and 4/2/15
- Attending Hmong American Partnership meetings on 4/15/14, 4/17/14, 6/19/14 and 9/4/14
- Distributing survey through Well City Fox Cities list of businesses
- Mindmixer social media outreach service (additional outreach for ECWRPC)
- Promotion of surveys at the Greater Winnebago Advocacy on Mobility on 9/4/14
- Promotion of surveys at the Sustainability Networking Fair (hosted at UW-Fox Valley) on 4/28/14
- Promotion of surveys at ECWRPC mini-conference in Kimberly (hosted at Liberty Hall) on 4/25/14
- Promotion of surveys at the Appleton (Fox Cities) TMA and Oshkosh MPO Bike and Pedestrian public information meetings on 7/29/14 and 7/30/14
- ECOS-FV meetings on 4/3/14
- City of Menasha Sustainability Board meeting on 4/15/14
- Fox Cities Housing Coalition meetings on 4/15/14 and 6/18/14
- Emailing ESTHER (interfaith social justice organization serving the Fox Valley) and United Way of the Fox Cities to promote survey
- Attending and distributing surveys at “Fox Cities Celebrate Diversity Picnic” (7/19/14)
- Promotion of 4/23/15 Public Information Meeting/Open House from staff at 2/17/15 and 2/18/15 meetings
- Staff provided Casa Hispanic with surveys to distribute at their offices (2/4/15)
- Promotion of Public Information Meeting postcards with ESTHER transit group members (2/9/15)
- Promotion of Public Information meeting via email by ESTHER President (2/9/15)
- Promotion of 4/23/15 Public Information Meeting/Open House for the LRTP in ECWRPC printed newsletter in March 2015.
- Promotion of 4/23/15 Public Information Meeting/Open House for the LRTP in ECWRPC Constant Contact Account (digital email/marketing program) (3/4/15); sent an e-news blast to transportation contacts.
- Promotion of 4/23/15 Public Information Meeting/Open House for the LRTP in ECWRPC and Fox Cities-Oshkosh MPO events calendars on their respective websites.
- Presentation of Environmental Mitigation Chapter (cultural resources section) of LRTP to the City of Neenah Landmarks Commission on 3/10/15 to gather their input on items/maps
- Presentation of Environmental Mitigation Chapter (cultural resources section) of LRTP to the City of Menasha Landmarks Commission on 3/11/15 to gather their input on items/maps
- Presentation of Environmental Mitigation Chapter (cultural resources section) of LRTP to the City of Appleton Landmarks Commission on 3/17/15 to gather their input on items/maps
- Promotion of 4/23/15 public information meeting/open house for the LRTP at City of Menasha Sustainability Board
- Promotion of 4/23/15 public information meeting/open house for the LRTP at the Fox Cities Housing Coalition meeting on 3/18/15
- Promotion of 4/23/15 public information meeting/open house for the LRTP at the Hmong American Partnership meeting on 3/19/15
- Promotion of 4/23/15 public information meeting/open house for the LRTP on weekly publication for the Fox Cities Housing Coalition during the week of 4/13/15.
- Attended Appleton Green Market on 9/12/15 to hand out survey cards and paper surveys; staff make contact with 8 individuals and received surveys from 6 individuals.
- Future – working with WISDOM and using interactive mapping.
Source: Appleton LRTP, Appendix B Public Comments & Outreach Efforts
- How is public involvement incorporated in development of the Transportation Plan?
- Public information meetings; attending farmers markets; bringing information to other committees including municipal services, transportation committee, public health committees and coalitions.
- Is the MPO doing anything to monitor performance goals? If so, what data has been collected thus far, has any analysis been done and what future efforts will be undertaken?
- Yes,**performance criteria include:
- Air Quality: Ozone
- Air Quality: Particulate Matter 2.5 micron or smaller
- Annual Average Annual Average Daily Traffic Counts (AADT)
- Bridge Sufficiency Ratings (SR) Data
- Federal Rail Administration data (Accidents and Incidents with railroads)
- County Health Rankings: Commute Alone
- County Health Rankings: Long Commute-driving alone
- National Bike Challenge data
- Regional bike/ped facilities (Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan)
- WisDOT: Park & Ride Lot Counts
- WisDOT: Rideshare Program
- PASER (Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating)
- WisDOT: Pavement Conditioning Index (PCI)
- Safe Routes to School (participation of schools and number of students, Walking School Bus Program)
- Valley Transit bike rack counts, transit ridership, revenues, population within quarter mile of bus stops, Unlinked Passenger Trips per Vehicle Revenue Mile
- FARS (Fatality Analysis Rating System) fatalities, serious injuries, fatality rate, serious injury rate
- Census Transportation Planning Products (mean travel time by mode to work, number of workers in household
- In the future, TMA should coordinate with WisDOT to develop a standard list of performance measures for the TMA and state to compare the performance measures and develop trends for TMA and state to track.
Source: Appleton LRTP, Chapter 13, Page 13-12
- How is the distribution of impacts to different socioeconomic and ethnic minorities identified and measured?
- Through GIS mapping; using socioeconomic and
- Attend the Hispanic interagency meeting and discuss projects
- Work with various service providers regarding specialized transportation
- When will the next MTP be adopted? What, if any, improvements or changes does the MPO anticipate with the next MTP?
- End of October, 2015
- Inclusion of health and safety within the plan
- Performance measures and targets
Please be prepared to discuss the following at the site review meeting. A written response is not required.
- How are different socioeconomic and ethnic minorities identified and measured? What data is used? How is this information used in identifying transportation needs for the plan?
- What methods are used to forecast population, households, employment, etc.?
- How are congestion management strategies incorporated in the transportation plan?
- Pedestrian walkway and bicycle transportation facilities
- Transportation enhancements –
- Design concept and scope of all existing and proposed major transportation facilities
- Work with local municipalities and WisDOT regarding the design concepts and scoping of projects
- Maintenance and preservation of the federally supported, existing and future transportation system (through incorporating TIP projects/illustrative projects)
- Transportation, socioeconomic, environmental, and financial impacts of the overall plan (LRTP has dedicated chapters for each of these items)
- How the cost of expansion projects are estimated and documented. (through incorporating TIP projects/illustrative projects)
- How is the implantation schedule for recommended strategies and projects determined and documented? Implementation of recommended projects in the MTP typically follows that of the list of programmed and illustrative projects outlined in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); also, many of the performance measures data can be collected regulary (annually or biannually) and monitored
- What would trigger amendment of the plan? What is the amendment process and criteria? How are proposed changes communicated to the public, local jurisdictions, the State, Federal partners, and other interested parties? Notify interested parties through posting amendment announcement on ECWRPC and Fox Cities MPO websites, ECWRPC Facebook page, legal notice of a 30 day public review/comment period, bring amendment of plan to the Transportation Committee at ECWRPC and for the full Commission Policy Board.