Livability & Public Health
1. Identify the regional goals and policies that support the following livability principles:
- Draft Long Range Transportation/Land Use Plan – 2050 Appleton (Fox Cities) Transportation Management Area: provides several chapters solely related to existing transportation options and provides future recommendations for improving accommodations and infrastructure to promote the advancement of all transportation choices within the TMA.
- Specific examples include:
o Chapter 3: Healthy and Livable Communities –
o Chapter 6: Street and Highway: for all users is discussed through the complete streets section and criteria set forth under state and federal law are followed (23 U.S.C. Section 217 (g).
- Chapter 8: Public and Specialized Transportation – describes in detail the public and specialized transportation options available within the TMA as well as current and future recommendation options that are available. Specific examples of public transportation choices include Valley Transit (Public Busing), Valley Transit II (service provided to elderly or disabled residents) and Call-a-Ride Program (specialized transportation service provided for the Towns of Buchanan and Harrison. Service provided through Kidz Kab, Llc).
- Chapter 10: Multimodal – Focuses on the advancement of non-motorized transportation options within the TMA. The chapter provides the background, analysis, recommendations, funding opportunities and partners available to develop bicycle and pedestrian accommodations in the region that function in partnership with existing uses.
- Chapter 11: Safe Routes to School – The Safe Routes to School chapter focuses on the goals and priorities set forth within ECWRPC’s Regional SRTS Program. The program is in its sixth year and focuses on providing elementary and middles school students with knowledge, tools and infrastructure necessary to commute from home to school and back in a safe reliable fashion. The goals and recommendations are set forth using the 5-E format (Education, Engineering, Evaluation, Encouragement and Enforcement).
- Chapter 14: Recommendations – describe in detail recommendations for improvements within the TMA jurisdiction.
- ECWRPC Comprehensive Plan: enhance economic competitiveness, sustainability and livability information, promote equitable, affordable housing – linking those in need of active transportation (to be completed 2016-2017) which includes a health in planning work program element. Staff also participated in the Healthy WI Leadership Institute.
- Appleton (Fox Cities) Transportation Management Area and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Organization Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan: promotes the continued advancement of non-motorized transportation options including bike lanes, multimodal trails, pedestrian facilities and infrastructure and policy improvements. The bicycle and pedestrian plan is supported through the employment of a Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator. The Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the region and completing the recommendations within the regional bicycle and pedestrian plan. The recommendations are further broken down into annual action plans.
- Regional Safe Routes to School Program: East Central staff began working with public health professionals through the development of local SRTS plans and programs.
Source: Transportation Work Program & Budget
Source: Appleton LRTP, Chapter 3 – Healthy and Livable Communities, Pages 1- 16
Appleton Transportation Management Area (TMA) and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
East Central Regional Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan 2012-2016
Please be prepared to discuss the following at the site review meeting. A written response is not required.
- Discuss MPO efforts to coordinate transportation planning with public health.
- Appleton TMA Long Range Land Use/Transportation Plan
- Appleton (Fox Cities) Transportation Management Area and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Organization Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan-2014
- Appleton TMA and Oshkosh MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Steering Committee: Multidisciplinary oriented steering committee design with the critical inclusion of planning, health, engineering, parks, advocacy, transit, resident and business involvement. Committee incorporated health officials at the municipal and county level into the planning process from the original kickoff meeting through ongoing meetings and projects. The committee created an avenue for ongoing cooperation with multiple disciplines and a structure to reach out to health based officials and for health officials to reach back.
- Regional Safe Routes to School Program
- College Avenue Corridor Study – Beta Test for Health in Transportation Network
- Inclusion of public health
- Healthy WI Leadership Institute
- Services on the Outagamie County and Winnebago County Health Leadership Team
- Participated in the Calumet, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIP)
- Currently working with the Weight of the Fox Valley (Tri-County Health Coalition)