
Land Use

  1. What methods are used to forecast land use?
  • Staff has used future land use data from local comprehensive plans and worked with WisDOT and their consultants adjust future land use based on TMA control total population and employment projections.
  1. How does the MPO incorporate the goals of the regional land-use plans into the MTP?
  • Goals and implementation recommendations outlined in various plans including the regional comprehensive plan are outlined in the appropriate chapters of the Long Range Transportation Plan. Elements in the Work Program with activities included the comprehensive plan are noted in the work program to demonstrate consistency. 

Please be prepared to discuss the following at the site review meeting. A written response is not required.

  1. Has the MPO been able to identify any existing or desired activities that integrate land use and transportation planning?
  • Yes. The Appleton (Fox Cities) TMA under the guidance of ECWRPC and in partnership with local municipalities is actively implementing tools and guides that promote the increased livability of the region. Traditional focus has been on the existing road and highway systems as a means of automobile transportation tools. With the increased demands of multimodal facilities and a rise in the complete streets approach, the importance of alternative transportation methods are being prioritized in partnership with traditional means of motorized conveyance.

Examples of integration:

Appleton (Fox Cities) Transportation Management Area and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Organization Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan – Promotes the existing bicycle and pedestrian related land use and transportation planning initiatives within each community and enhances the individual plans through thoughtful region wide recommendations. Special considerations are place on multi-modal facilities and complete street design practices.

Draft Long Range Transportation/Land Use Plan – 2050 Appleton (Fox Cities) Transportation Management Area document provides substantial references and tools that allow local municipalities and the RPC to promote an integrated system of multimodal facilities. Sections of particular importance are in mass transit, non-motorized transportation uses, automobile and tractor transportation and freight/rail alternatives.

ECWRPC website