- How does the MPO consider and evaluate land use and freight-oriented developments within their metropolitan planning area?
- Based on existing and proposed land use from local comprehensive plans and proximity to transportation facilities, which includes highways, rail and ports;
- How is the freight community engaged in the planning process, particularly in the development of the metropolitan transportation plan and TIP?
- Active participation in freight stakeholder groups and researchers including the Center for Freight Infrastructure Research and Education and the Council of Supply Chain Management Professions (CSCMP) and ongoing efforts with development of statewide freight model
- Criteria within the TIP identifies projects with freight benefits
Please be prepared to discuss the following at the site review meeting. A written response is not required.
- What have been some of the outcomes from the participation of the freight community in the planning process? Who specifically has participated? What are some of the lessons learned?
- Has the MPO defined the term “freight corridor” for transportation planning purposes? If so, what is the definition of this term used by the MPO and have these major freight corridors been visually mapped within the metropolitan planning area?
- How does the MPO collect and utilize freight-related data? Does this data serve to provide origin-destination information for purposes of traffic demand model calibration and validation? How does the MPO utilize this freight-related data for purpose of tracking performance goals or objectives?
- Be prepared to discuss your freight activities and how the TMA/MPO is involved with freight? Is there a freight plan? Are there any special freight committees? Special freight identified projects? What is going on in the regional planning process regarding freight?