Congestion Management Process
- Describe how the CMP has been fully integrated into the overall metropolitan planning process. For instance, do the visions and goals articulated in the MTP support CMP and vice versa? Also, are transportation systems management and operations strategies part of the metropolitan planning process?
- The draft Appleton Transportation Management Area (TMA) Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) contains a chapter that was developed based on the 2013 Appleton TMA Congestion Management Plan (CMP). As a result transportation systems and operations strategies are part of the Appleton TMA LRTP. The CMP will be part of the LRTP to ensure coordination.
- What procedures are in place to connect the CMP evaluations and strategies to the metropolitan planning process (e.g., UPWP, corridor studies, conformity, and TIP/MTP project development/prioritization)? Explain how the CMP leads to the development of programs and projects contained in the plan and TIP? How are these activities supported in the UPWP?
- East Central uses the CMP evaluations and strategies in the development of the LRTP and project selection. Elements in the work program are directly related to the CMP.
- Explain how stakeholders coordinate data in the development of performance measures in the CMP. How are the stakeholders involved in the development and analysis of potential congestion mitigation strategies?
East Central works closely with their planning partners to collect and analyze performance measure data. See following partnerships and data collected:
- Valley Transit – Ridership, revenue, population living within ¼ mile buffer
- DNR – Air quality data
- WisDOT/FHWA – Traffic counts, Sufficiency ratings, Rideshare, Pavement Condition Index, park and ride lots, Fatality Analysis Rating System numbers, number of injuries reported and fatalities reported
- FRA – Rail crossings
- Local municipalities – PASER, bike/pedestrian facilities, bike racks
- Counties – County health rankings
- National Bike Challenge numbers
- Safe Routes to School – Schools participating and Walking School Bus Program
- US census – Drivers who drive alone, workers per households
Stakeholders are involved in the development and analysis of congestion mitigation strategies through the LRTP public information involvement process.
Source: Appleton LRTP, Chapter 13.
Please be prepared to discuss the following at the site review meeting. A written response is not required.
- Be prepared to review performance measures, data collection strategy and timeline.
- What performance measures are in place and how are they being used?
- How are the CMP and MTP performance measures linked or related? How do the CMP performance measures support the overall goals and objectives of the MTP?
- What are the outputs and results of the CMP? Is there an identified schedule for implementation and a corresponding list of responsible agencies?
- What types of data are being collected? Describe how the data is used to measure system performance, identify the cause of congestion, develop and evaluate alternatives, prioritize/schedule solutions, and evaluate the effectiveness of selected improvements and progress toward resolution of congestion.
- Are performance measures periodically reviewed for usefulness and applicability, and if yes, how often does this review take place?
- How often is the CMP as a whole evaluated for effectiveness and updated? What is the process for such evaluation and update?
- Does the CMP consider all modes of transportation (SOV, shared ride, transit, intermodal connections, non-motorized means such as bicycling and walking, etc.) in developing congestion management strategies?
- Have ITS strategies proposed for congested locations been reviewed in the context of the Regional ITS Architecture? Mentioned in ITS in LRP and CMP; Don’t have our own system in place and did talk to WisDOT regarding what the infrastructure is going to be in place ITS in reconstruction
- What CMP strategies have been implemented and how have they been integrated with other resulting strategies from the metropolitan planning process?
- What is/has been the MPO’s involvement with the development of the ITS implementation plan and regional ITS architecture for the metropolitan area? Who are the stakeholders in this process? Worked with the City of Appleton and WisDOT regarding some ITS implementation
- Who is/will be responsible for maintaining and updating the regional ITS architecture once it is complete? Who is/will be responsible for ensuring that all future ITS projects are consistent with the regional ITS architecture?