1. To what extent are non-motorized modes of travel (e.g., bicycle, pedestrian movements) analyzed and addressed in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and throughout the transportation planning process?
- A bicycle and pedestrian counts process has been established utilizing multiple forms of measuring (pneumatic tube, infrared, manual, and video).
- Counts are documented through programs developed by source companies, excel files developed in house, GIS analysis and forms developed for public/private dissemination.
- Counts are conducted and administered by ECWRPC staff with aide from partner organizations (i.e. Municipalities and WisDOT). Partner orgs aided with video equipment (traffic cameras).
- Additional counts processes conducted separate from ECWRPC, but still within the TMA, include City of Appleton bike lane counts, Town of Menasha infrared counters (permanent locations: 3 total) and Village of Little Chute infrared counter (permanent location).
Source: Appleton LRTP, Chapter 10 – Multi-modal Transportation, Pages 10-1 -10-25 and Chapter 11 – Safe Routes to School Program, Pages 11-1 – 11-16
Appleton Transportation Management Area (TMA) and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
East Central Regional Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan 2012-2016
East Central Regional Safe Routes to School Local SRTS Action Plans
2. How does the MPO approach bicycle and pedestrian planning?
- The MPO recently hired a Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator to work on the Implementation of the Appleton TMA and Oshkosh MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan as well as working with local jurisdictions on implementation of their local bicycle and pedestrian plan.
- The Regional SRTS Program also works with a variety of schools and local jurisdictions within the Appleton TMA to encourage students to walk and bicycle to and from school.
- Developed the Appleton TMA and Oshkosh MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Steering Committee and during the planning process the committee noted that there needed to be a unified multimodal “voice”.
- Developed the bicycle and pedestrian plan for the MPO
- The MPO has also integrated bicycle and pedestrian planning into the Long Range Land Use/Transportation Plan, the Congestion Management Process, and the Transportation Improvement Program.
- 5 E’s (Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, Engineering, and Evaluation) approach including implementing the Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS)
- Regional SRTS Program
o 136 schools, 26 districts total in regional program and schools
- Community outreach programs at all levels
o Schools (elementary school, middle, high, university)
o Health based approach to multimodal transportation planning
o Business and private education and encouragement programs
Source: Appleton LRTP, Chapter 10 – Multi-modal Transportation, Pages 10-1 -10-25
Appleton LRTP, Chapter 11 – Safe Routes to School Program, Pages 11-1 – 11-16
Appleton Transportation Management Area (TMA) and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
East Central Regional Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan 2012-2016
3. How is the demand for bicycle and pedestrian facilities determined?
- Bicycle and walk audits
- Bicycle and pedestrian counts
o A bicycle and pedestrian counts process has been established utilizing multiple forms of measuring (pneumatic tube, infrared, manual, and video).
o Counts are documented through programs developed by source companies, excel files developed in house, GIS analysis and forms developed for public/private dissemination.
o Counts are conducted and administered by ECWRPC staff with aide from partner organizations (i.e. Municipalities and WisDOT). Partner orgs aided with video equipment (traffic cameras).
o Additional counts processes conducted separate from ECWRPC, but still within the TMA, include City of Appleton bike lane counts, Town of Menasha infrared counters (permanent locations: 3 total) and Village of Little Chute infrared counter (permanent location).
- Community outreach through plan development process and corridor studies/development
- Future CIP analysis including gap analysis, existing plan recommendations, future growth patterns and state/federal/local funding requirements
Appleton Transportation Management Area (TMA) and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
East Central Regional Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan 2012-2016
East Central Regional Safe Routes to School Local SRTS Action Plans Link: http://eastcentralsrts.org/local-programs
4. How does the MPO coordinate with State and local bicycle and pedestrian plans?
- In the Appleton and Oshkosh bicycle and pedestrian plan, we used local and state bicycle and pedestrian plans to develop the regional network and then incorporated existing recommendations into the regional document. The regional recommendations addressed critical connections between communities to create a cohesive community plan.
- Staff regularly provides education, encouragement tactics and technical assistance in the implantation of existing bike/pedestrian plans within the MPO boundary. Recent examples include the assistance provided for the CB Trail expansion, CTH BB road overlay and paved shoulder expansion, educational materials to Town of Menasha, and multiple SRTS based initiatives providing support to communities administering their bike/pedestrian plan.
- Staff has also provided comments regarding WI Bikeways Project.
Please be prepared to discuss the following at the site review meeting. A written response is not required.
The level of planning for bicycle and pedestrian facilities and support programs, including the development of a regional bike or pedestrian system and/or funding program, complementary land use planning efforts to foster non-motorized transportation, and the identification and description of selected bike/pedestrian projects deemed critical to completing key sections of the regional plan(s) and/or fostering walkable neighborhood.
- Developed regional bike/pedestrian plan (FCO bicycle and pedestrian plan) provided a regional level tool that local, regional and state (WisDOT) partners are utilizing.
- Funding source provided through TAP Program
- Conducting corridor studies (CTH CA/STH 125/College Avenue: ongoing, STH 15 (future), CTH CE (future), CTH A (scheduled study in 2016)
- Reviewed existing local and county regulations for the installation on non-motorized facilities and provided input and technical assistance for the creation of said facilities (CTH BB, CTH CB, Appleton Riverwalk/Riverview Gardens)
Examples of integrated land-use planning documents:
- Appleton (Fox Cities) Transportation Management Area and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Organization Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan – Promotes the existing bicycle and pedestrian related land use and transportation planning initiatives within each community and enhances the individual plans through thoughtful region wide recommendations. Special considerations are place on multi-modal facilities and complete street design practices.
- Draft Long Range Transportation/Land Use Plan – 2050 Appleton (Fox Cities) Transportation Management Area document provides substantial references and tools that allow local municipalities and the RPC to promote an integrated system of multimodal facilities. Sections of particular importance are in mass transit, non-motorized transportation uses, automobile and tractor transportation and freight/rail alternatives.
- Local advocacy groups and clubs that are supporting livability: Weight of the Fox Valley (WOTFV), Well City Fox Cities (WCFC), Fox Cities Cycling Association (FCCA), Fox Cities Greenways, etc.
- List examples of cooperative efforts towards b/p improvements:
- CTH CA/STH 125/College Avenue (Outagamie County, Town of Greenville, Town of Grand Chute, City of Appleton)
- Prospect/CTH BB (Outagamie County, Town of Menasha, Town of Grand Chute, City of Appleton)
- CB Trail (Town of Greenville, Outagamie County)
- Appleton Riverwalk improvements/Riverview Gardens (City of Appleton)
- E John Street (CTH KK) (City of Appleton)
- Staff developed a bicycle and pedestrian counts program to measure the current user volume of facilities within the MPO. Considerations were made prior to installation of counters to address current users on implemented facilities as well as address current users on not yet created/designated routes. Each counts process was completed in partnership with local communities and tied directly to existing regional and local bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and policy documents.
- Additionally, Draft 2016 Action Plan for non-motorized transportation planning includes targets for walk friendly/bike friendly designations, complete streets education and review, and enforcement based education efforts.
- Funded a bicycle and pedestrian coordinator
- Bicycle and pedestrian action plan
- Transportation Alternatives Program
Sections in LRTP, Chapter 10 (Multimodal Transportation which includes pedestrian walkways and bicycle facilities)