
Drone Technical Assistance Program

ECWRPC’s new Drone Technical Assistance Program aims to help member communities by providing high resolution photography and data collection for public sector projects. The birds-eye view vantage point may provide the inspiration and visibility you are looking for on a particular project. ECWRPC can also process collected imagery to create high-resolution maps and 3D models of your project. Drone photography and videos could be used for:

  • Before-During-After Footage
  • Community Marketing
  • Public Engagement Materials
  • General Site Analysis Purposes

Drones have become an indispensable planning tool providing high-quality, accurate, and timely data to analyze sites and make date-driven decisions. Drones offer the ability to collect a wider spectrum of environmental data than any other planning tool and document unique views through many types of imagery. Land use and development are three-dimensional in nature, and aerial photos taken by drones allow the average person to visualize an area much more clearly than a map or a photograph taken from ground level. Aerial videos add the fourth dimension by illustrating time and motion.

Use the form below to request Drone Technical Assistance:

"*" indicates required fields

Applicant Information


Project Location (or nearest address)

Check the service type(s) that best describe the project needs*
How do you plan to use the results?
Acres, building square feet, etc.
Date Needed
Include any maps that may be helpful.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 3.

    ECWRPC website