Serving Calumet, Fond du Lac, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, and Winnebago counties.
This webpage is intended to provide information to interested individuals regarding the development of the Town of Byron Comprehensive Plan Update. More detailed information can be viewed via the links found below.
Recognizing the need to update the existing comprehensive plan, the Town enlisted the aid of East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to assist in the creation of a comprehensive plan update that will be consistent with Section 66.1001 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. The plan being developed under this planning effort will provide an update to a previous comprehensive plan that was adopted in February of 2006.
The general approach taken for this year long process will be multi-faceted in order to meaningfully engage elected officials, state agencies, citizens and the business community on the establishment and implementation of their vision for land use within the community. All factual information contained within the previous plan will be reviewed and revised to reflect current conditions. Information will be reviewed with community leaders and the general public so as to ensure that the basis for the updated land use plan is current and well-connected to short and long-term trends and challenges.
Contact Us:
Town of Byron:
Mary Laudolff, Town Clerk
[email protected]
N3438 Maple Lane
Fond du Lac, WI 54937
Phone: 920-375-6119
Kathy Thunes, P.E.
Principal Planner
[email protected]