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Category Archives: Document

Now Available – Town of Greenville Land Stewardship & AEA Committee 3-Year (2018-2020) Strategic Plan

The Town of Greenville’s Land Stewardship / AEA Committee was created in 2011 to further address the Town of Greenville’s Comprehensive Plan recommendations pertaining to the conservation and protection of the Town’s vast natural and agricultural resources. The report updates the 2011 Town of Greenville Land Stewardship Strategy that outlined the aspirations of the CommitteeContinue Reading

Now Available – 2017 Village of Sherwood Senior Housing Market Study

In conjunction with the Village of Sherwood’s comprehensive plan update project, additional assistance was requested of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission by the Community Development Authority (CDA) to take a more detailed examination of the senior housing market and issues associated with accommodating this growing sector of the population. Both quantitative and qualitativeContinue Reading

Village of Little Chute Downtown Visioning Report now available!

In late 2016, the Village of Little Chute had requested assistance from ECWRPC to host and facilitate a public visioning workshop which focused on their existing downtown area along Main Street. The overall goal of the workshop was to seek resident and user input/feedback which will be used to create a new, more detailed “masterContinue Reading

City of Waupun Downtown Visioning Workshop Report

In early 2016, the City of Waupun had requested assistance from the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to host and facilitate a public visioning workshop which focused on their existing downtown area along Main Street. Like many communities at the time, state highway improvements and the construction of interchanges drew most new business development opportunitiesContinue Reading

Now Available – Draft 2016 CEDS Annual Performance Report

ECWRPC is pleased to announce that our Draft 2016 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Annual Performance Report has been completed. The Draft 2016 CEDS Annual Performance Report contains updated demographic and economic data as well as an updated regional project inventory list.  The full draft document can be reviewed here. Preparation of this plan ensuresContinue Reading

City of Brillion Downtown Visioning Summary

In late 2015, the City of Brillion had requested assistance from the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to host and faciilatate a public visioning workshop which focused on their existing downtown area along Main Street. The City of Brillion is located approximately 20 miles from the Fox Cities along USH 10 and, like manyContinue Reading

2016 Shawano County Comprehensive Plan Consistency Review Guide

This document outlines a process for Shawano County Planning & Development staff to utilize when comparing certain land use actions/decisions against the consistency provisions of the Wisconsin State Statutes governing Comprehensive Planning. View the document here.

Available Now – Draft 2016 Transportation Work Program

This document outlines the work efforts of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission for the next year. The document also includes the transportation planning studies that will be undertaken in the East Central Region by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, local communities, or consultants to them. The Annual Work Program provides the basis forContinue Reading

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